Member-only story
Why Luck Isn’t Real.
Luck isn’t real.
I used to look at people who have accomplished massive things in admiration.
I consistently concluded and thought to myself: “Oh, they just got lucky!”
“They were probably in the right place at the right time and succeeded.”
Assuming that made me wander around with a feeling of defeat.
I became a pessimist.
I supposed that I would not be able to accomplish the goals I set for myself.
“When will I get lucky?” I asked myself.
However, the problem was that I didn’t even try to strive for my goals anymore.
I was so determined that I was going to fail that I didn’t even try to accomplish them.
The thing is, that action left me with one question:
Would I fail or reach my goal if I kept going?
Sure, maybe those people were at the right place at the right time, but at some point, they were just like me.
Eventually, I realized that it isn’t about being lucky or being in the right place at the right time.
It is about putting myself in the right place every single day.