How The Fake Comments Under Your Blogs Are Hindering You From Creating A Community.

T is typing…
3 min readJun 10, 2024
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

You’ve just poured your heart and soul into a perfect blog post.

You’ve crafted witty sentences, sprinkled with wise words (hopefully!), and hit publish with a triumphant fist pump.

Now comes the exciting part: engagement!

People are reading your work and — ideally — leaving thoughtful comments.

But hold on a second. Are all those comments genuine, or are some hiding a not-so-secret agenda?

We’ve all been there.

Sifting through comments and wondering, “Is this person interested in what I wrote, or are they just trying to sell me something?”

Here’s the lowdown on spotting fake comments and keeping your blogosphere real.

Photo by أخٌ‌في‌الله on Unsplash

The Red Flags!

  1. The Generic Gusher:

Comments like “Great post!” or “Love this!” are nice, but a little generic, right?

If someone’s leaving the same comment on every blog they visit, it’s a major red flag.

